"Ahh, wonderful coffee," I say as I sip on my coffee while listening to Kings of Leon. I'm pretty sure my infatuation with Kings of Leon has grown into something irrational but I don't care. "What should my next blog post be about," I think to myself as I sift through my thoughts and opinions. I move my yoga mat aside so an elderly gentleman with the paper can sit in the chair beside me. "My poor poetry book... it's been so neglected." I adjust my hipster glasses and pull up my skinny jeans and realize...
God damn. I should probably never get a Mac just for the sake I might drown in the mainstream.
Joke of the day: If a tree falls in the forest and nobody hears it, does a hipster buy its album?
ANYWAYS, here's a poem I wrote. enjoy
Dance in the sunshine
Feel the grass under your feet
Sway to the rhythm produced by the beat of your heart
No need for music
Just the heat in the air
Today I dance with reckless abandon because today I do not care
With the clouds as my partner we fly across the sky
Such a beautiful melody it's no wonder that they cry
Cherish each rain drop upon your face as you would a warm embrace
Twirl under the arms of the trees and leap through the meadows with the ease of a child
Today I dance with reckless abandom
Today, for you, I care
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Thursday, June 14, 2012
If it's not broke, don't fix it. FOR MY DAD(2)
I had originally wrote this as a guest writer for my dads(2) blog but it would not upload. So I will post it here for all to see and read. If you know me, you'll know I lean towards the side of sarcastic. In case you don't, a heads up, I'm WILDY sarcastic. Plus, when it comes to my family, my friends, and my dog, I'm equally as protective. I feel that drawing upon both my writing takes on more of a fighting style. I mean no offense to anyone or any certain perspective. Besides, a little satire never hurt anyone (anyone ever heard of Jonathan Swift? If not, he's BRILLIANT). This is just my take on things and how I see. I LOVE you all and please be well. And you know that individual you see everywhere who seems to be alone all the time? I challenge you to talk to them today.
Want to know the cope out every great writer uses in order
to get their ideas flowing? Start by looking up
the definitions of the words
your ideas are headed towards. You can even define them within your article
because often times it makes you sound smart and educated. If anyone asks
though, you didn’t hear it from me. As I was wandering through my mind looking
for something to write about as the guest blogger on my dads(2) blog today, I
decided to check out what dictionary thought about the word family. I think
that everyone can agree that dictionary is pretty unbiased and
non-denominational. According to dictionary, a family is “a basic social unit
consisting of parents and their children.” It also said that a family is “a
group of people living under one household.” Interested in where this was
taking me, I turned towards the word parent. A parent is “a protector or
And THERE you have it! Not even so much of a mention of the
words husband or wife. I checked all the loop holes and even according to a
source as simple as a dictionary it does not say a family is limited to a man,
a woman, and their resulted offspring. Granted, if you looked at a dictionary
in the 60’s it probably talked about the nuclear family—a man, a woman, and
their 2.5 kids. However, it also talked about the proper steps to take when
being attacked by nuclear warfare. We can obviously see how well that turned
out. Nowadays, we know if we get hit with an atomic bomb, the only thing left
will be the cockroaches. So why was it so easy to change our views about
mushrooms clouds and why is it so hard to change our views about the
fundamental workings of a family?
I’m sure we can all agree that, despite the varying types of
rocks, they all have common characteristics that classify them as rocks. They
are all hard to some degree. They are made of minerals and come from the
ground. They hurt when you throw them at people. I know it’s a long stretch to
compare a rock to a family but I’m trying to make it easier for people to see
my reasoning. Although I’m pretty sure if I picked up my brother and threw him
at someone it wouldn’t feel too great for the person on the receiving end. Some
rocks are big, some are small, some are shiny, some are dull, and they come in
many different colors. Wouldn’t it be unheard of to look at obsidian, for
example, and say, “Oh I’m sorry. You’re a wee bit shinier than all the other
rocks so… we’re kicking you out.” It has the essentials of being a rock and yet
because it is different it can be considered by some to be something else. What
else could it be?? It’d be a pretty bizarre flower. Next time you upset your
significant other, be sure to bring them a pile of rocks and tell me how it
These people that declare that a gay couple cannot have a
family… what else do they assume them to be? A mass gathering of people that
just HAPPEN to look out for each other? Even dictionary says a family is a
group of people living under one household. I guess it just depends on your
personal definition of a family. Do you look to the Bible for your definition?
Do you look to the dictionary? Do you abandon all definitions and look to the
side of love? I hope for the sake of the greater good we can answer with D) All
of the above.
I understand those who define their family by the Bible.
There are many strong biblical families and it’s a great foundation for some. I
respect those who define their family by the dictionary. Above all, I adore
those who define their family based on love. Love should be the core value of a
family. Therefore, unless you find a family with the EXACT same people as yours
leading the EXACT same lives, do not hold other families to the same values as
yours. What works for you will not work for others. I don’t expect you to agree
with the workings within every family. If it’s not what you believe in I
wouldn’t want to condemn your way of life anymore than I would want you to
condemn someone else’s. But if you can at least recognize that their family is
one built on love and trust then what does it matter? We’re focusing so much
attention on assuming the family is made of a man and a woman that we’re
forgetting that a family is made on love. What about those children who are
living in a situation where there is no love and there is no trust? All these laws
and all this money and all this effort being put forth by our politicians could
be put towards a more noble cause but we’re devoted to protecting marriage
because some assume it can only be between a man and a woman.
Marriage is a multi-faceted concept. Yes, some get married
because of love. However, some get married because of circumstance. Some get
married because of their parents. Some get married because of their religion.
Some get married because the condom broke. Any cases of gay couples getting married
because the condom broke?? It is a rare circumstance when a gay couple does not
get married for a reason other than love. When they start building their
family, it is because they want a family. Would you deny a child a family just
because you assume their parentage is immoral? Yes, so let’s leave them in
foster care or an orphanage just because someone can’t get over what they read
during scripture study.
Family is changing. I’m not just talking about gay couples.
What about single parent families? Children being raised by grandparents or
aunts and uncles or older brothers and sisters? Times are changing. People are
changing. Why is our way of thinking taking so long to change?
Please know that I don’t expect everyone to suddenly take up
a rainbow flag, hit up gay day at Disneyland, and fully embrace this new and
upcoming lifestyle. What I do expect is respect. If there’s something you
disagree with that is okay. If there’s something you don’t understand that is
okay too. Just know that your way is not the right way for everyone and it is
possible to live simultaneously with someone who does things a little
differently. In order for life to be colorful, there has to be all types of
colors. Remember in art class when you’d overmix your colors with fervor and
they’d end up the color of barf? Mix them together side by side and they create
something beautiful. Let’s live side by side. Color to color.
I was raised by a gay couple. No I don’t feel neglected. No
I don’t do drugs. No I’m not crazy. Well, I’m kind of crazy but only the good
kind of crazy. I feel supported in everything I do. I’m going to college for a
bachelors in journalism and a minor in creative writing. I pay my bills like
everyone else. I volunteer at the soup kitchen and put together backpacks for
kids who go home hungry. I bake cookies for people who beg on the street
corners. I give EVERYONE a chance regardless of my snap judgments. So to be
honest, I think I ended up on top BECAUSE I was raised by both a loving gay
couple and a mother who taught me well. I was showered in love and support. I
feel so secure in myself I started a
blog :P which was my Ron’s idea by the way…. I’m so happy and I hate to
think of other people missing out on being happy just because of circumstance,
prejudice, or a worn-out way of thinking. Regardless of whether you’re for or
against, pro or con, red or blue, purple or yellow, shiny or dull, remember
that standing on the other end of the trench is someone just like you and if
you give them a chance you may actually be able to live side by side peacefully
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Waving The White Flag: The Golden Mean
One fine day in government class....
Teacher: "Based upon which politician you agree with, I'd like you to move to either the left or right side of the room".
I can't remember the politicians. Both were brilliant but the names are far from my mind. Anyways...
Teacher: "Umm.... Shalese. WHAT are you doing?"
Me: "Well, you see teacher... I feel like both men have valid points and if we were to apply both of their ideas we'd have a more cohesive way of thinking. Everyone would have a voice and, albeit with some compromise, we'd all be satisfied with the end result. Therefore, I am standing in the MIDDLE of the room."
Wasn't I such an eloquent high school student.....
No matter what the students or the teacher would say, I would not be moved from the middle of the classroom. Why limit myself to one way of thinking when I could encompass more beliefs and opinions by closely examining them both? Everyone has good ideas but not ALL of their ideas are going to be winners. You're going to have to look at multiple ways of thinking to be properly educated in developing your own.
Hi, I'm Shalese. I'm the voice of the middle ground. I wanted to formally take the time to introduce myself. The reason I chose to do this as a second entry and not the first was because I felt that my first post was the walkway with which lead you to the front door of my mind. It gave you a chance to see how I write, how I feel, and a gist of how I see things. I'd like to say that I am opinionated. I am QUITE opinionated. However, my opinions aside, an educated individual has the ability to listen to others opinions and examine them with an unbiased mind. The insight you gain from such reflection then integrates itself into your belief system. Philosophers dating back to Ancient Greece held strongly to such a way of thinking.
It goes like this.... Remember when you were a kid and you HATED (insert food of choice here--mine was mushrooms) ?? Despite what everyone told you, no way in HELL were you going to eat it. The loathing for this dish was ingrained into your every being. If mushrooms had so much as come in contact with whatever I was eating I could tell. Then, when I came to college, I became more involved with the Japanese community of Pocatello. What is a common food in Asian dishes?? MUSHROOMS. I didn't want to look like a child picking out what I didn't like and abandoning it on the side of my plate. So, despite my INTENSE hate for this fungusthatshouldnotbeeaten... I ate them. And you know what?? I LOVE MUSHROOMS. I eat them in miso soup. I eat them in my salad. I fry them up and eat them by themselves. For 20 years I was missing out on something great until my pride forced me to eat them. I was stuck in this mental rut I could not escape from.
I'm not asking you to embrace everything, everyone, and every walk of life. Your opinions make you who you are. If we all thought the same things, felt the same way, life would be boring and we would be robots. I'm just saying that, if you're stuck in a mental rut, pull your head out off the sand and eat those mushrooms. Examine every side of the story, every perspective, every reason, every fact. Do not limit yourself to one way of thinking, one politician, one type of food group. You could truly miss out on something that will change your life.
I believe the reason why I live in the middle ground is because of the things I've been through. I'm the product of a strong, faithful LDS mother and stepfather and a fabulous, flamboyant gay dad and his partner. Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum, huh?? I was bound to end up in the middle growing up with something like that. Both sets of parents are excellent people and I love them to the stars and back. As I grew up, I was able to look at both of their lifestyles and determine how I wanted to live based on what I saw. I went through experiences that few people go through at the same time. I experienced the radical left and the radical right. I liked some things, didn't like others, and move towards the happy middle. I found out, however, that few people are in the happy middle.
We live in a world full of red and blue, of black and white, and of *regenbogen farbig and clear. There is no representation of the people that live in the middle. WHAT is so wrong with living in the middle? Not even living in the middle, but listening to the middle. Giving them a chance. If you truly believe in the extreme left or right, kudos to you for believing in something. Just don't let your beliefs consume you past the point of reason . Always be mindful that life is ever changing and you must do the same. New light is shed on things each day. Don't limit yourself. According to ancient philosophers, you will seem ignorant and uneducated.
I believe in compromise. I love the middle ground. My favorite color is sparkly gold. I'm pretty sure I was a peacock in my past life. I LOVE them. I want to write for a magazine or newspaper and live somewhere like Seattle or San Francisco. I have four brothers and three sisters. I love my family. LOVE my family. I'm part Japanese and part Irish and, to be honest, I think it's the coolest. I love where I come from. I love where I'm going. I'm an Aquarius and I use to think astrology was a bunch of horseshit until I read into it... it fits me to a T. There's more aquarians in the Hall of Fame than any other zodiac sign. There's also more in the insane asylums. We're crazy, inspired, and constantly consumed by everything around us. I dance everywhere I go. I like to sing loud and off-key. I enjoy people and talk A LOT. I love life. I just ..... Love. Everything. Everyone. I use the word beautiful often. I talk to myself more than anyone else.
I don't intend to change the world. I fear that such a drastic change where everyone loved everyone would end in chaos. It'd be idealistic, but realistic? I'm not sure. I just hope that we can at least get to a place where there is no hate. We can agree to disagree. We can accept people for who they are and not what they do or where they come from. Let's try and replace hate with respect. Get the wheels turning. Pick up your feet and try to make a difference. I know it's scary to stand up against such a strong movement but, if we all work on it together, I think we could get somewhere. If I see you out in the real word, I'll be sure to give you a thumbs up. And perhaps a hug.
"Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
~Dalai Lama
*German word for rainbow colored. Probably my favorite German word. I know bits and pieces of German but mostly pickup lines. DIRTY pickup lines ;)
Teacher: "Based upon which politician you agree with, I'd like you to move to either the left or right side of the room".
I can't remember the politicians. Both were brilliant but the names are far from my mind. Anyways...
Teacher: "Umm.... Shalese. WHAT are you doing?"
Me: "Well, you see teacher... I feel like both men have valid points and if we were to apply both of their ideas we'd have a more cohesive way of thinking. Everyone would have a voice and, albeit with some compromise, we'd all be satisfied with the end result. Therefore, I am standing in the MIDDLE of the room."
Wasn't I such an eloquent high school student.....
No matter what the students or the teacher would say, I would not be moved from the middle of the classroom. Why limit myself to one way of thinking when I could encompass more beliefs and opinions by closely examining them both? Everyone has good ideas but not ALL of their ideas are going to be winners. You're going to have to look at multiple ways of thinking to be properly educated in developing your own.
Hi, I'm Shalese. I'm the voice of the middle ground. I wanted to formally take the time to introduce myself. The reason I chose to do this as a second entry and not the first was because I felt that my first post was the walkway with which lead you to the front door of my mind. It gave you a chance to see how I write, how I feel, and a gist of how I see things. I'd like to say that I am opinionated. I am QUITE opinionated. However, my opinions aside, an educated individual has the ability to listen to others opinions and examine them with an unbiased mind. The insight you gain from such reflection then integrates itself into your belief system. Philosophers dating back to Ancient Greece held strongly to such a way of thinking.
It goes like this.... Remember when you were a kid and you HATED (insert food of choice here--mine was mushrooms) ?? Despite what everyone told you, no way in HELL were you going to eat it. The loathing for this dish was ingrained into your every being. If mushrooms had so much as come in contact with whatever I was eating I could tell. Then, when I came to college, I became more involved with the Japanese community of Pocatello. What is a common food in Asian dishes?? MUSHROOMS. I didn't want to look like a child picking out what I didn't like and abandoning it on the side of my plate. So, despite my INTENSE hate for this fungusthatshouldnotbeeaten... I ate them. And you know what?? I LOVE MUSHROOMS. I eat them in miso soup. I eat them in my salad. I fry them up and eat them by themselves. For 20 years I was missing out on something great until my pride forced me to eat them. I was stuck in this mental rut I could not escape from.
I'm not asking you to embrace everything, everyone, and every walk of life. Your opinions make you who you are. If we all thought the same things, felt the same way, life would be boring and we would be robots. I'm just saying that, if you're stuck in a mental rut, pull your head out off the sand and eat those mushrooms. Examine every side of the story, every perspective, every reason, every fact. Do not limit yourself to one way of thinking, one politician, one type of food group. You could truly miss out on something that will change your life.
I believe the reason why I live in the middle ground is because of the things I've been through. I'm the product of a strong, faithful LDS mother and stepfather and a fabulous, flamboyant gay dad and his partner. Talk about opposite ends of the spectrum, huh?? I was bound to end up in the middle growing up with something like that. Both sets of parents are excellent people and I love them to the stars and back. As I grew up, I was able to look at both of their lifestyles and determine how I wanted to live based on what I saw. I went through experiences that few people go through at the same time. I experienced the radical left and the radical right. I liked some things, didn't like others, and move towards the happy middle. I found out, however, that few people are in the happy middle.
We live in a world full of red and blue, of black and white, and of *regenbogen farbig and clear. There is no representation of the people that live in the middle. WHAT is so wrong with living in the middle? Not even living in the middle, but listening to the middle. Giving them a chance. If you truly believe in the extreme left or right, kudos to you for believing in something. Just don't let your beliefs consume you past the point of reason . Always be mindful that life is ever changing and you must do the same. New light is shed on things each day. Don't limit yourself. According to ancient philosophers, you will seem ignorant and uneducated.
I believe in compromise. I love the middle ground. My favorite color is sparkly gold. I'm pretty sure I was a peacock in my past life. I LOVE them. I want to write for a magazine or newspaper and live somewhere like Seattle or San Francisco. I have four brothers and three sisters. I love my family. LOVE my family. I'm part Japanese and part Irish and, to be honest, I think it's the coolest. I love where I come from. I love where I'm going. I'm an Aquarius and I use to think astrology was a bunch of horseshit until I read into it... it fits me to a T. There's more aquarians in the Hall of Fame than any other zodiac sign. There's also more in the insane asylums. We're crazy, inspired, and constantly consumed by everything around us. I dance everywhere I go. I like to sing loud and off-key. I enjoy people and talk A LOT. I love life. I just ..... Love. Everything. Everyone. I use the word beautiful often. I talk to myself more than anyone else.
I don't intend to change the world. I fear that such a drastic change where everyone loved everyone would end in chaos. It'd be idealistic, but realistic? I'm not sure. I just hope that we can at least get to a place where there is no hate. We can agree to disagree. We can accept people for who they are and not what they do or where they come from. Let's try and replace hate with respect. Get the wheels turning. Pick up your feet and try to make a difference. I know it's scary to stand up against such a strong movement but, if we all work on it together, I think we could get somewhere. If I see you out in the real word, I'll be sure to give you a thumbs up. And perhaps a hug.
"Our prime purpose in life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them."
~Dalai Lama
*German word for rainbow colored. Probably my favorite German word. I know bits and pieces of German but mostly pickup lines. DIRTY pickup lines ;)
Sunday, June 10, 2012
YOLO: The Uneducated Carpe Diem
You only live once. A big thanks to Drake and Tyga for this witty phrase we all love to hate. What started out as song lyrics has turned into a lifestyle.
"Well, should I really take one more shot? YOLO." "I want to go out tonight but have an early morning.... YOLO." "Finals? Nah dawg YOLO."
Obviously the association with YOLO is not a positive one. As urban dictionary defines it, "mainly used to defend doing something ranging from mild to extreme stupidity." We only have one life to live so why live a boring one?
Alright Drake I GET it.
I don't want to spend my entire life sober or studying either. However, what started out as a lifestyle has turned into an excuse for partying college students and people with nowhere to go. You'd think with only one life to live we'd want to spend it in a state of constant growth and development. I know my dream is to someday spend my life in a moderately nice house, drive a sexy car, marry an even more sexy man, and have a job where I get paid to publish the crazy meanderings within my mind. With only one life to live, I don't have much time to squander if I want to live my life the way I want to live.
Now comes the tricky part....
How do I work towards living the way I want to live without forgetting the life I'm leading now?
I had to dig through the closet and dust off the cobwebs but I managed to find my old friend..... Carpe Diem. I'm not denying the brilliance of Drake and Tyga but does anyone happen to know the origin of Carpe Diem? It is a Latin phrase first found in the book Odes Book 1 written by Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65 B.C. - 8 B.C.).
Don't ask (it's forbidden to know) what end the gods have granted to me or you. Don't play
with Babylonian fortune-telling either. How much better is it to endure whatever will be!
Whether Jupiter has granted you many more winters or this is the final one which even
now wears out the Tyrrhenian sea on the rocks placed opposite -- Be wise, strain the wine,
and scale back your long hopes to a short period. While we speak, envious time will have
already fled. SEIZE THE DAY, trusting as little as possible to the future.
I will give you this--Horace does say to scale back your long hopes. I know that school, family, and other lifestyle choices are a long ways off for some of us. But what if we look at it this way? Forget my degree, forget my family, forget my Lexus, and forget my future marriage with Adam Levine. Today, I will go to work and make the best of it. I will pay my bills and be satisfied with what is left. I will clean my room and be grateful for the house I live in. I will strengthen my relationship ties with my family, my friends, my dog, strangers, my pillow, whatever.....
Seize the day! I encourage you to make the best of what is going on in your life RIGHT NOW. Do not waste it in frivolity and ignorance. Open your eyes to what is around you and breathe it in as if it's all you live for because the length of your life is never certain. Their lack of talent aside, Nickleback poses the question, "what if today was your last day?" I don't know about you but I hope my obituary talks about my academic achievements, my influences on other people, my beautiful friends and family, and the fabulous tattooed babies I made with Adam Levine.
The Hebrew people also have their own phrase, "And if not now, then when?" I know I don't stand blameless of the excuse, "well, I'll do it tomorrow. I mean... I have a long ways to go right? There will always be the opportunity to accomplish this later."
... but what if there isn't?
Seize the day people. Carpe the shit out of that diem and live your life the way you want to now and remember that it will affect the way you will live your life later. Be happy but be healthy. Be smart. Be wise. Be kind, gracious, and loving. Get up, get out, and do something. Be proactive. Be crazy.
You obviously lack originality :P
Cheers to all you beautiful people. Stay beautiful and stay happy.
You only live once. A big thanks to Drake and Tyga for this witty phrase we all love to hate. What started out as song lyrics has turned into a lifestyle.
"Well, should I really take one more shot? YOLO." "I want to go out tonight but have an early morning.... YOLO." "Finals? Nah dawg YOLO."
Obviously the association with YOLO is not a positive one. As urban dictionary defines it, "mainly used to defend doing something ranging from mild to extreme stupidity." We only have one life to live so why live a boring one?
Alright Drake I GET it.
I don't want to spend my entire life sober or studying either. However, what started out as a lifestyle has turned into an excuse for partying college students and people with nowhere to go. You'd think with only one life to live we'd want to spend it in a state of constant growth and development. I know my dream is to someday spend my life in a moderately nice house, drive a sexy car, marry an even more sexy man, and have a job where I get paid to publish the crazy meanderings within my mind. With only one life to live, I don't have much time to squander if I want to live my life the way I want to live.
Now comes the tricky part....
How do I work towards living the way I want to live without forgetting the life I'm leading now?
I had to dig through the closet and dust off the cobwebs but I managed to find my old friend..... Carpe Diem. I'm not denying the brilliance of Drake and Tyga but does anyone happen to know the origin of Carpe Diem? It is a Latin phrase first found in the book Odes Book 1 written by Quintus Horatius Flaccus (65 B.C. - 8 B.C.).
Don't ask (it's forbidden to know) what end the gods have granted to me or you. Don't play
with Babylonian fortune-telling either. How much better is it to endure whatever will be!
Whether Jupiter has granted you many more winters or this is the final one which even
now wears out the Tyrrhenian sea on the rocks placed opposite -- Be wise, strain the wine,
and scale back your long hopes to a short period. While we speak, envious time will have
already fled. SEIZE THE DAY, trusting as little as possible to the future.
I will give you this--Horace does say to scale back your long hopes. I know that school, family, and other lifestyle choices are a long ways off for some of us. But what if we look at it this way? Forget my degree, forget my family, forget my Lexus, and forget my future marriage with Adam Levine. Today, I will go to work and make the best of it. I will pay my bills and be satisfied with what is left. I will clean my room and be grateful for the house I live in. I will strengthen my relationship ties with my family, my friends, my dog, strangers, my pillow, whatever.....
Seize the day! I encourage you to make the best of what is going on in your life RIGHT NOW. Do not waste it in frivolity and ignorance. Open your eyes to what is around you and breathe it in as if it's all you live for because the length of your life is never certain. Their lack of talent aside, Nickleback poses the question, "what if today was your last day?" I don't know about you but I hope my obituary talks about my academic achievements, my influences on other people, my beautiful friends and family, and the fabulous tattooed babies I made with Adam Levine.
The Hebrew people also have their own phrase, "And if not now, then when?" I know I don't stand blameless of the excuse, "well, I'll do it tomorrow. I mean... I have a long ways to go right? There will always be the opportunity to accomplish this later."
... but what if there isn't?
Seize the day people. Carpe the shit out of that diem and live your life the way you want to now and remember that it will affect the way you will live your life later. Be happy but be healthy. Be smart. Be wise. Be kind, gracious, and loving. Get up, get out, and do something. Be proactive. Be crazy.
You obviously lack originality :P
Cheers to all you beautiful people. Stay beautiful and stay happy.
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