Given my adamant love for Edgar Allen Poe, it was only a matter of time before my writing took a turn for the dark side. Also, the more I learn about writing, the more I learn that I must learn more about writing (make sense?). I look back and find my poetry so elementary and underdeveloped. Plus it doesn't help that every writing teacher teaches you something that contradicts someone else.
"No end rhymes"
"Rhyming creates flow and affects your readers body"
"Don't write like Poe, Frost, or Shakespeare"
"If only we could mimic those before our time, alas!"
"Do not use expected word patterns"
... so basically I've decided I'm going to just attempt to make the teacher happy while letting my writing grow however it wishes, like the uncontrollable child of a worn-out parent ("and absolutely no cheesy metaphors!")
Abandon your pursuit of the treasure chest of flesh
Beating the time to songs of drunken conquests
Crooning like a siren, "Come closer sweet sailor!
Dash your ship upon the rocks and spend
Eternities with me in a watery grave."
Forgetting you were once sailing for worlds end
Grateful to the ghosts of lovers long dead
Heed their warning and sail on instead
Ignore the beating songs within the treasure chest of flesh
Jutting rocks will taunt you no more
Kill yourself, instead, of your own accord
Lulled to sleep by the sweet song of
Mermaids, who know of the treasure you seek
Nauseating sea sickness, the flutter of your stomach
Over the side of your boat, vomit into the sea and
Pass by unharmed, sailing evermore
Quivering from the brief touch of fortune
Rekindled flame quickly put out again
Saved by your crew, for if you are seen beware
There be dragons! Or live and die by fire
Under the spell of the beating treasure chest
Vile as the song of sirens and mermaids
Who are never really what they say
X marks the spot, but no not that way
Yearning for that which can never be found
Zealous, endless searching for the treasure in your chest
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Absolute Power and Ultimatums: The Fight Between Sheep and Sheepdogs
If you happen to have a Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, friends, or live somewhere that's not under a rock you probably have some idea of what's been going on in the White House. I'm not going to claim to be a factual giant in the matter because, despite having access to all the aforementioned media networks, it's not a political discussion I care to involve myself in anymore.
.... That's not why we have gathered here today.
If the article presents itself to me I'll take the time, otherwise it's not something I care to seek out for myself. I know, I know .... once upon a time I did say it was our duty as Americans to research your political opinions. We all falter, right? Nobody's perfect? Besides .. it gives me vivid, horrible flashbacks of high school.
You're walking down the hallway and come across a couple fighting. Due to your unfortunate place in time, you discover that the girlfriend is now withholding sex from her boyfriend until he does what she wants. Both are yelling at each other, refusing to back down or compromise.
The ULTIMATE Ultimatum
Republicans are withholding their sexual favors from the government until their boyfriends decide to give them what they want. So .... am I missing something here? When did politics become ultimatums, name calling, and manipulative games fit for high school girls?
If our founding fathers can lock themselves up in a room in Philadelphia, despite the heat and humidity, refusing to come out until something is agreed upon, I think we can resort to less drastic measures than "shutting down the government" for working out our problems. Or did compromise go out of fashion around the same time as powdered wigs, buckled shoes, and wooden teeth?
The founding fathers were, and are still today, our leaders. Congress, however? That's your boss. A leader says, "come.... follow me." A boss says, "yeah would you take care of that for me? While I dink around on the computer?" We are not electing leaders. We are paying our time and money to our boss. I'm sorry for creating that mental image of your actual boss just now but ... do you see what I mean? Look at the Democrats, for example. I don't care HOW brilliant your plan is, if you're not willing to be apart of it yourself, that raises A LOT of questions.....
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." I'm almost for certain when John Dalberg-Acton said this, he was picturing the corrupt politics of today. Maybe that's an exaggeration ... But when you are sitting pretty in the White House, lobbying for what's going to put money in your pockets and ignoring the voices of your people ... I can't say you're the picture of justice. These men may have been the bright, political minds of yesterday, but they are the corrupt, overpaid, and overindulged minds of today. Why? And more importantly, HOW?
When the sheepdogs are away, the sheep will play.
We are the sheepdogs. The politicians are the sheep. This is a government for the PEOPLE, for hells sake. So why are the people getting screwed over while the politicians get nearly everything they want by throwing a tantrum? Well, if the sheepdogs are too busy fighting and bickering among themselves, paying the sheep no mind, they're going to get away with some things.
We have to pay more attention. We have to herd our sheep. Elect leaders based upon what they stand for, not how long they've held their position. Elect leaders for their hard work and good actions, not their pretty words and speeches. Someone probably writes that shit for them. Start acting. Raise your voice. There's more of us than there is of them. But before we hate on them TOO much, there is something I would like to commend them on ...
.... giving us a common enemy.
If there's ONE thing Republicans and Democrats can agree on, it's the corruption of Congress. It's term limits. It's laws regulating congress on what they can and cannot do. It's getting rid of them entirely. Replacing them one by one. They can't keep us oblivious and people are noticing. Boy, are people noticing.
The world is noticing. It's in comics. It's in books. It's in the movies. If you replaced Roxxon for BP and took out the exploding martial artists in Iron Man 3, it would mirror some of the actions taken by politics today. We are no longer remaining quiet about our discontent and voices are being raised. Voices are being heard.
Never underestimate the power of the people. Look at the Bus Boycott of 1955 and the effect it had on the civil rights movement of the time. We can change major things if we try hard enough. If we work together.
Don't for a second forget who you're fighting. Herd those damn sheep. Fire your boss. Fight.
"Be on your guard against false prophets; they come to you looking like sheep on the outside but on the inside they are really like wild wolves." Matthew 7:15 GNT
.... That's not why we have gathered here today.
If the article presents itself to me I'll take the time, otherwise it's not something I care to seek out for myself. I know, I know .... once upon a time I did say it was our duty as Americans to research your political opinions. We all falter, right? Nobody's perfect? Besides .. it gives me vivid, horrible flashbacks of high school.
You're walking down the hallway and come across a couple fighting. Due to your unfortunate place in time, you discover that the girlfriend is now withholding sex from her boyfriend until he does what she wants. Both are yelling at each other, refusing to back down or compromise.
The ULTIMATE Ultimatum
Republicans are withholding their sexual favors from the government until their boyfriends decide to give them what they want. So .... am I missing something here? When did politics become ultimatums, name calling, and manipulative games fit for high school girls?
If our founding fathers can lock themselves up in a room in Philadelphia, despite the heat and humidity, refusing to come out until something is agreed upon, I think we can resort to less drastic measures than "shutting down the government" for working out our problems. Or did compromise go out of fashion around the same time as powdered wigs, buckled shoes, and wooden teeth?
The founding fathers were, and are still today, our leaders. Congress, however? That's your boss. A leader says, "come.... follow me." A boss says, "yeah would you take care of that for me? While I dink around on the computer?" We are not electing leaders. We are paying our time and money to our boss. I'm sorry for creating that mental image of your actual boss just now but ... do you see what I mean? Look at the Democrats, for example. I don't care HOW brilliant your plan is, if you're not willing to be apart of it yourself, that raises A LOT of questions.....
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." I'm almost for certain when John Dalberg-Acton said this, he was picturing the corrupt politics of today. Maybe that's an exaggeration ... But when you are sitting pretty in the White House, lobbying for what's going to put money in your pockets and ignoring the voices of your people ... I can't say you're the picture of justice. These men may have been the bright, political minds of yesterday, but they are the corrupt, overpaid, and overindulged minds of today. Why? And more importantly, HOW?
When the sheepdogs are away, the sheep will play.
We are the sheepdogs. The politicians are the sheep. This is a government for the PEOPLE, for hells sake. So why are the people getting screwed over while the politicians get nearly everything they want by throwing a tantrum? Well, if the sheepdogs are too busy fighting and bickering among themselves, paying the sheep no mind, they're going to get away with some things.
We have to pay more attention. We have to herd our sheep. Elect leaders based upon what they stand for, not how long they've held their position. Elect leaders for their hard work and good actions, not their pretty words and speeches. Someone probably writes that shit for them. Start acting. Raise your voice. There's more of us than there is of them. But before we hate on them TOO much, there is something I would like to commend them on ...
.... giving us a common enemy.
If there's ONE thing Republicans and Democrats can agree on, it's the corruption of Congress. It's term limits. It's laws regulating congress on what they can and cannot do. It's getting rid of them entirely. Replacing them one by one. They can't keep us oblivious and people are noticing. Boy, are people noticing.
The world is noticing. It's in comics. It's in books. It's in the movies. If you replaced Roxxon for BP and took out the exploding martial artists in Iron Man 3, it would mirror some of the actions taken by politics today. We are no longer remaining quiet about our discontent and voices are being raised. Voices are being heard.
Never underestimate the power of the people. Look at the Bus Boycott of 1955 and the effect it had on the civil rights movement of the time. We can change major things if we try hard enough. If we work together.
Don't for a second forget who you're fighting. Herd those damn sheep. Fire your boss. Fight.
"Be on your guard against false prophets; they come to you looking like sheep on the outside but on the inside they are really like wild wolves." Matthew 7:15 GNT
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Good Gracious!
So as you can imagine, I've held a couple odd jobs in my lifetime. Interestingly enough, they all center around customer service. In addition to being extremely extroverted, I find that to be the types of jobs writers gravitate towards. Whether it's because we'll take anything we can get, or hope for the aforementioned quirky story prompt, who knows. Perhaps it could be both. I'm sure the time I found a used condom in a man's pocket while working at the dry cleaners will come in handy someday. Or the weed in a rented tux ..... Anyways, I was dwelling upon this subject the other day and had a few thoughts I'd like to share.
Let's step back and take a quick look at my career path. It's not really a career path, given I've worked at a total of four places, but it's the first few steps at least. During high school, I worked at the local dry cleaners and a party rental store. During college, I worked retail and am currently working as a custodian. I think it wise to withhold certain specifics; not that my experiences were negative, but it's best to avoid hurting feelings just in case. So back to customer service ....
I hate customer service....
With that out of the way, I'll get right to it. When did people suddenly see themselves above everyone else? Am I missing something here? Are people born right onto the pedestal or is it something gifted to them in the preK?
Allow me to elaborate.
I'm sure my feelings wouldn't be quite so bitter if it weren't for my current job. I've been cleaning as a janitor at the college for a year and a half now. My benefits are awesome and a fair amount of my coworkers are the bees knees. However, when it comes time to actually working with the students and professors on campus, I try to avoid them as much as possible. Given that just last week a professor walked by me, turned my way, and practically grunted at me before walking on, I'd say my feelings are fairly justified. Plus, if I came in contact with some of those students, it would be hard to resist giving them the chastisement they seem to have forgotten or never received as a child. If I have to pick up your used tissues off the floor, sweep up half eaten mints, and clean up after your toilet paper confetti party, that blurs the lines between janitor and babysitter. Not to mention the dripping wet paper towels on the bathroom floor I can only hope to be filled with water.
Maybe one day I'll have a job so important I won't have to pick up my used staples and paper clips off the floor....
... but wait ... that'll never happen because I'm not that shitty of a person.
Why is it that when it comes to customer service, social graces are no longer applicable? Hell, with some people, social grace is never applicable. While discussing this with my roommate, she said she felt the same way living at the college dorms. Every time she ate in the cafeteria, she would thank the cook and the dishwasher for their service, only to have another student say, "why do you thank them? It's their job." A teacher at my school told me of a similar experience. When asking one of her students to clean up after his doughnut and orange juice mess, he replied with, "why do I have to do it? It's not my job. That's for some else to clean up." Luckily we were good friends and she was also very kind. Sounds like she gave him a piece of her mind.
Perhaps you've heard the dating advice, "if he's not nice to the waiter, he's not nice?" Well, I feel this applies to all of us. A little kindness goes a long way. Despite someone's job title, appearance, religion, whatever, everyone is an important and vital part of our society. There is no reason for you to be rude to someone. None. Zero. And if you think you've found one, look into yourself and figure out why you feel the need to throw someone down.
We all have insecurities. And I understand that sometimes these insecurities exhibit themselves in certain ways. We also all have bad days, and sometimes it is hard to be patient with the overly perky attendant at the drive through. Try to be understanding and considerate. Yes, your waitress might be slow and seems to be making a lot of mistakes, but what if this was her second shift of the day because rent is due and she's trying to make ends meet? While her husband is away in the military? Or her son is away at college? You never know. And you never know how hurtful your negativity can be to someone just trying to make a living.
I know that I struggle with the opposite of this situation. When I feel people attacking or belittling me, I become angry and upset. Rarely do I attempt at understanding the opposite party and their feelings. And I know this is wrong. If someone has mistreated you, try to understand as best you can that they're fighting a hard battle too.
I hate to sound like a hippie (it was bound to happen after the day I found free weed.... kidding) but I feel like if everyone could be more kind and compassionate, many of our problems would solve themselves. When I worked at the dry cleaners, nothing delighted me more than when a certain older gentleman would come in to pick up his cleaning. He would say please and thank you. He would call me m'am. He would often ask me about my day or how I was doing. Without being intrusive, he was caring and polite and his attitude has stayed with me ever since.
I know manners exist out there somewhere. I know kindness is not a dying art and chivalry is still being practiced by the loyal few. A smile and a simple hello can easily brighten somebody's day. Try your best to be kind and considerate. Play nice in the sandbox. Love on another.
Cheers, and be well.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wear the Shoes, You're Beautiful
So if you know me well enough, you know that I have a shoe obsession. A pretty bad ass collection if I must say so myself.
If you're not a member of my family and therefore not obligated to read my blog, first off let me thank you for taking the time to read this, you sweet sweet person. Secondly, you probably have no idea about my borderline addiction to shoes. So let me elaborate.
I have 7'' wedges made out of old fashioned floral print that look like a couch from the '70s.
6" Jeffrey Campbells with chicken talons on the heel.
Electric blue wedges.
Cheetah print spikes
Sparkly gold wedges with bows across the toe
... and the list goes on.
And you know what? I hardly EVER wear them. Unless it's a special occasion or I'm going out of town, they usually sit in my closet--silent, beautiful shrines to the life I wish I could live.
So why don't I?
Well, if you're unaware, I happen to reside in Idaho. And here in beautiful Idaho, people tend to shun the different, the unique, the bizarre, and the freakishly tall girls wearing heels. I'm already 5'9'' so imagine what I look like when you add 7" Jeffrey Campbells that cost an arm and a leg (I'm too embarrassed to disclose the actual amount at this time). I've been told time and time again how intimidating I can be.
So I stopped wearing them. I was too outrageous. And I hate when people stare at me. I walked with my head down and made little to no eye contact.
Another little fact you probably don't know about me (unless you're my dad.... HI DAD!) is my tattoos. I'm borderline heavily tattooed. Twelve pieces, including a half-sleeve. And you know what? People STARE. Often unabashedly. And I get asked about them all the time. Sometimes questions that are not so nice. And through time, I've learned to take it in strides. Stare all you want, people of Idaho. These twelve pieces are deeply connected to my soul and mean more than you will ever know. Stare away. This is who I am.
The same goes for my dark purple lipstick, my dark eyebrows, my rockabilly hairstyles, my sheer shirts, my beetlejuice print pants. I love who I am. So let them stare! Who knows, perhaps one of them is thinking, "I wish I could be different like that. Live the life I wish I could."
So why is it that I still have a problem wearing all my high heeled shoes? I guess it took this morning to realize it. Sitting next to my closet, getting dressed for the day, and trying on all high heeled shoes only to put them back in the closet.
"Do you know what just happened? That's right. DOMA was appealed. Prop. 8 was appealed. People everywhere who have been suppressed for too long are finally getting a taste of the civil rights that we often take for granted. They are expressing themselves, being who they were meant to be, and you can't even wear a pair of high heels you spent your whole paycheck on because you are afraid of what people will think?" (don't judge me, it was a low moment)
So this is me declaring that I will no longer care about the opinions of strangers. I will wear my high heels shoes. Hell, I'll even wear a pink tutu to work if I feel so inclined (I'm looking at you Idaho Republican Cornel Rasor).
What I'm saying is, the world is changing. Slowly, but it's changing. People are becoming more comfortable in who they are without fear of persecution. So let's help them by showing we don't care about the opinions of those who don't matter. Starting today, let's live the lives we want to. If that means dusting off your high heels, then great. If that means dying your hair green, do it. If that means skipping down the aisles at Wal-Mart, odds are I'm skipping right behind you. Do it.
.... If that means coming out to your parents, your friends .... do it.
Don't be scared. Look at all the people who are going to stand with you. You better believe I will be there, in all my tall freakish glory.
And my shoes are going to be damn fabulous.
Cheers my friends. Be well. Be yourself. It's time to stop worrying what people think.
If you're not a member of my family and therefore not obligated to read my blog, first off let me thank you for taking the time to read this, you sweet sweet person. Secondly, you probably have no idea about my borderline addiction to shoes. So let me elaborate.
I have 7'' wedges made out of old fashioned floral print that look like a couch from the '70s.
6" Jeffrey Campbells with chicken talons on the heel.
Electric blue wedges.
Cheetah print spikes
Sparkly gold wedges with bows across the toe
... and the list goes on.
And you know what? I hardly EVER wear them. Unless it's a special occasion or I'm going out of town, they usually sit in my closet--silent, beautiful shrines to the life I wish I could live.
So why don't I?
Well, if you're unaware, I happen to reside in Idaho. And here in beautiful Idaho, people tend to shun the different, the unique, the bizarre, and the freakishly tall girls wearing heels. I'm already 5'9'' so imagine what I look like when you add 7" Jeffrey Campbells that cost an arm and a leg (I'm too embarrassed to disclose the actual amount at this time). I've been told time and time again how intimidating I can be.
So I stopped wearing them. I was too outrageous. And I hate when people stare at me. I walked with my head down and made little to no eye contact.
Another little fact you probably don't know about me (unless you're my dad.... HI DAD!) is my tattoos. I'm borderline heavily tattooed. Twelve pieces, including a half-sleeve. And you know what? People STARE. Often unabashedly. And I get asked about them all the time. Sometimes questions that are not so nice. And through time, I've learned to take it in strides. Stare all you want, people of Idaho. These twelve pieces are deeply connected to my soul and mean more than you will ever know. Stare away. This is who I am.
The same goes for my dark purple lipstick, my dark eyebrows, my rockabilly hairstyles, my sheer shirts, my beetlejuice print pants. I love who I am. So let them stare! Who knows, perhaps one of them is thinking, "I wish I could be different like that. Live the life I wish I could."
So why is it that I still have a problem wearing all my high heeled shoes? I guess it took this morning to realize it. Sitting next to my closet, getting dressed for the day, and trying on all high heeled shoes only to put them back in the closet.
"Do you know what just happened? That's right. DOMA was appealed. Prop. 8 was appealed. People everywhere who have been suppressed for too long are finally getting a taste of the civil rights that we often take for granted. They are expressing themselves, being who they were meant to be, and you can't even wear a pair of high heels you spent your whole paycheck on because you are afraid of what people will think?" (don't judge me, it was a low moment)
So this is me declaring that I will no longer care about the opinions of strangers. I will wear my high heels shoes. Hell, I'll even wear a pink tutu to work if I feel so inclined (I'm looking at you Idaho Republican Cornel Rasor).
What I'm saying is, the world is changing. Slowly, but it's changing. People are becoming more comfortable in who they are without fear of persecution. So let's help them by showing we don't care about the opinions of those who don't matter. Starting today, let's live the lives we want to. If that means dusting off your high heels, then great. If that means dying your hair green, do it. If that means skipping down the aisles at Wal-Mart, odds are I'm skipping right behind you. Do it.
.... If that means coming out to your parents, your friends .... do it.
Don't be scared. Look at all the people who are going to stand with you. You better believe I will be there, in all my tall freakish glory.
And my shoes are going to be damn fabulous.
Cheers my friends. Be well. Be yourself. It's time to stop worrying what people think.
Friday, April 26, 2013
The Reaper is Calling
I was discouraged that I had almost lost this poem in the deep corners of the internet abyss. I had posted this as a Facebook status awhile ago and timeline just about chewed it up and spit it out in a place far, far away.
But, with great perseverance and determination, I found it! And I would like to share it with you. Perhaps in the future I'll give you the back story. I can tell you that it dawned upon me as I was sitting at the table eating a grapefruit. Random right? But you never know when a muse will bless you with an idea. However, for now, I'd just like to leave you with my rhyming words and allow you to experience them for yourself.
But, with great perseverance and determination, I found it! And I would like to share it with you. Perhaps in the future I'll give you the back story. I can tell you that it dawned upon me as I was sitting at the table eating a grapefruit. Random right? But you never know when a muse will bless you with an idea. However, for now, I'd just like to leave you with my rhyming words and allow you to experience them for yourself.
When the time comes and the reaper is calling
Will you find yourself stalling?
"One minute, good sir, I must wash the dishes
Tally up my dreams and count my wishes
If only I had time for the ones left unfulfilled
My soul I am not ready to yield
There's so much left to see and do
I'm sorry but I am not ready for you."
The reaper laughs and shakes his head
"Look around you. You're already dead
You're angry and bitter and you've withered away
Don't deny you haven't been dreaming of this day
No more obligations and chores to be done
It's your fault you didn't have enough fun."
Tears fall from your eyes and silently you weep
For the promises you failed to keep
The songs left unsung and the dances unfinished
Because your light you allowed to diminish
So tell me, when your time is done
Will you scream and cry and run
Or will you gladly give up the ghost
And hold your head high to greet your heavenly host
No regrets and no remorse
Your beautiful life has run its' course
Leaving a powerful legacy behind
With a dying whisper, "I lived my life and I made it MINE."
Stay beautiful, my lovelies
Saturday, April 6, 2013
S is For the Simple Need
Greetings friends! Thanks for having the faith to read this post despite the fact that it's titled after Nickleback lyrics (but being honest here I do actually kind of like that particular song).
Since I've remained dormant in the blogging world for so long I decided to start off again with something everyone likes to talk about....
Let's talk about sex.
Boyz II Men lyrics now.... GEEZ.
We all know that sex sells. And to be quite honest it's something that's been on my mind for awhile the past little bit. But NOT in the way you were just thinking ya nasty ;)
I felt my thoughts put into words when I stumbled upon this text on Tumblr (of which I am addicted to):
And I suggest you read it in it's entirety. The beginning might seem a bit off putting but just trust me on this one (like you did before).
"NO. No no no. I don't want to screw you. I just love you. When did who you want to screw become the whole game? Since when is the person you want to screw the only person you get to love? It's so stupid! I mean, Jesus, who even gives a fuck about sex?! People act like it's the most important thing humans can do, but come on. How can our sentient fucking lives revolve around something slugs can do. I mean, who you want to screw and whether you screw them? Those are important questions, I guess. But they're not that important. You know what's important? Who would you die for? Who do you wake up at five forty-five in the morning for even though you don't even know why he needs you? Whose drunken nose would you pick?!"
Now, honestly, I could just end the blog post right there. It rather sums up my thoughts perfectly. But since that would be cheating, lets start from the beginning.
If you have some sort of connection to social media, odds are you've seen or read the sayings and eCards about easy girls with simple vagina passwords, easy access, spread legs, getting around, blah blah blah. Now I'll be honest in saying that at first I found them funny. I used to get easily annoyed by certain types of girls and such jabs at their promiscuity would ease my misgivings. But the more I saw them the more sad they made me. Not to mention hearing the same joke over and over again with such a blatant lack of creativity was VERY annoying.
Why do we feel the need to belittle and judge other people? Life is hard enough without people pointing fingers at your every action and thought. Watching girls drag down other girls broke my heart. Plus it's ignorant to pass judgement based upon what could be hearsay and gossip. We are not in the situation nor do we know the whole story.
Jokingly, I use to combat such arguments by saying "do YOU want a prude in your bed? Because I don't".... but it's more than that.
What is the purpose of sex in it's basic form? Reproduction and/or pleasure, right? You throw off your clothes, you get naked, fireworks go off (you hope) and you're done. You could walk away from that situation and never have to see that person again.
So why do we care so much? Why do we degrade people for doing something that basic forms of life can engage in without a second thought? What goes on in the bedroom is suppose to be private and yet it's broadcast, advertised, and discussed as if it were the daily news. Which we all know is currently taking place...
So what?? You got naked with someone. Great ...
...but were you truly naked? Did you bare it all, heart and soul? Did they caress the curves of your soul, embrace your demons, and kiss away your fears? Did they experience what makes you feel alive and what makes you want to die?
Because THAT's what matters. That's where the true beauty lies. We're always talking about sex but never about making love. And, to me, making love can happen anywhere.
It's walking down the street, holding hands.
It's helping someone into their coat.
It's consoling the pains of someone's heart.
It's holding someone in your arms.
It's watching someones back while they fight away their demons.
THAT's what important. That's what we should talk about.
Who do you live for?
Who would you die for?
Who knows why you're hurting and how to make it better?
... who makes you feel alive?
Who breathes life into your soul?
Let's talk about making love. Lay down our weapons and quit judging people for things that don't really matter. Those eCards are stupid anyways....
Stay beautiful people. Stay strong. Spread your love far and wide, in any way you choose.
Since I've remained dormant in the blogging world for so long I decided to start off again with something everyone likes to talk about....
Let's talk about sex.
Boyz II Men lyrics now.... GEEZ.
We all know that sex sells. And to be quite honest it's something that's been on my mind for awhile the past little bit. But NOT in the way you were just thinking ya nasty ;)
I felt my thoughts put into words when I stumbled upon this text on Tumblr (of which I am addicted to):
And I suggest you read it in it's entirety. The beginning might seem a bit off putting but just trust me on this one (like you did before).
"NO. No no no. I don't want to screw you. I just love you. When did who you want to screw become the whole game? Since when is the person you want to screw the only person you get to love? It's so stupid! I mean, Jesus, who even gives a fuck about sex?! People act like it's the most important thing humans can do, but come on. How can our sentient fucking lives revolve around something slugs can do. I mean, who you want to screw and whether you screw them? Those are important questions, I guess. But they're not that important. You know what's important? Who would you die for? Who do you wake up at five forty-five in the morning for even though you don't even know why he needs you? Whose drunken nose would you pick?!"
Now, honestly, I could just end the blog post right there. It rather sums up my thoughts perfectly. But since that would be cheating, lets start from the beginning.
If you have some sort of connection to social media, odds are you've seen or read the sayings and eCards about easy girls with simple vagina passwords, easy access, spread legs, getting around, blah blah blah. Now I'll be honest in saying that at first I found them funny. I used to get easily annoyed by certain types of girls and such jabs at their promiscuity would ease my misgivings. But the more I saw them the more sad they made me. Not to mention hearing the same joke over and over again with such a blatant lack of creativity was VERY annoying.
Why do we feel the need to belittle and judge other people? Life is hard enough without people pointing fingers at your every action and thought. Watching girls drag down other girls broke my heart. Plus it's ignorant to pass judgement based upon what could be hearsay and gossip. We are not in the situation nor do we know the whole story.
Jokingly, I use to combat such arguments by saying "do YOU want a prude in your bed? Because I don't".... but it's more than that.
What is the purpose of sex in it's basic form? Reproduction and/or pleasure, right? You throw off your clothes, you get naked, fireworks go off (you hope) and you're done. You could walk away from that situation and never have to see that person again.
So why do we care so much? Why do we degrade people for doing something that basic forms of life can engage in without a second thought? What goes on in the bedroom is suppose to be private and yet it's broadcast, advertised, and discussed as if it were the daily news. Which we all know is currently taking place...
So what?? You got naked with someone. Great ...
...but were you truly naked? Did you bare it all, heart and soul? Did they caress the curves of your soul, embrace your demons, and kiss away your fears? Did they experience what makes you feel alive and what makes you want to die?
Because THAT's what matters. That's where the true beauty lies. We're always talking about sex but never about making love. And, to me, making love can happen anywhere.
It's walking down the street, holding hands.
It's helping someone into their coat.
It's consoling the pains of someone's heart.
It's holding someone in your arms.
It's watching someones back while they fight away their demons.
THAT's what important. That's what we should talk about.
Who do you live for?
Who would you die for?
Who knows why you're hurting and how to make it better?
... who makes you feel alive?
Who breathes life into your soul?
Let's talk about making love. Lay down our weapons and quit judging people for things that don't really matter. Those eCards are stupid anyways....
Stay beautiful people. Stay strong. Spread your love far and wide, in any way you choose.
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