Greetings friends! Thanks for having the faith to read this post despite the fact that it's titled after Nickleback lyrics (but being honest here I do actually kind of like that particular song).
Since I've remained dormant in the blogging world for so long I decided to start off again with something everyone likes to talk about....
Let's talk about sex.
Boyz II Men lyrics now.... GEEZ.
We all know that sex sells. And to be quite honest it's something that's been on my mind for awhile the past little bit. But NOT in the way you were just thinking ya nasty ;)
I felt my thoughts put into words when I stumbled upon this text on Tumblr (of which I am addicted to):
And I suggest you read it in it's entirety. The beginning might seem a bit off putting but just trust me on this one (like you did before).
"NO. No no no. I don't want to
screw you. I just
love you. When did who you want to screw become the whole game? Since when is the person you want to screw the only person you get to love? It's so stupid! I mean, Jesus, who even gives a fuck about sex?! People act like it's the most important thing humans can do, but come on. How can our sentient fucking lives revolve around something
slugs can do. I mean, who you want to screw and whether you screw them? Those are important questions, I guess. But they're not
that important. You know what's important? Who would you
die for? Who do you wake up at five forty-five in the morning for even though you don't even know why he needs you? Whose drunken nose would you pick?!"
Now, honestly, I could just end the blog post right there. It rather sums up my thoughts perfectly. But since that would be cheating, lets start from the beginning.
If you have some sort of connection to social media, odds are you've seen or read the sayings and eCards about easy girls with simple vagina passwords, easy access, spread legs, getting around, blah blah blah. Now I'll be honest in saying that at first I found them funny. I used to get easily annoyed by certain types of girls and such jabs at their promiscuity would ease my misgivings. But the more I saw them the more sad they made me. Not to mention hearing the same joke over and over again with such a blatant lack of creativity was VERY annoying.
Why do we feel the need to belittle and judge other people? Life is hard enough without people pointing fingers at your every action and thought. Watching girls drag down other girls broke my heart. Plus it's ignorant to pass judgement based upon what could be hearsay and gossip. We are not in the situation nor do we know the whole story.
Jokingly, I use to combat such arguments by saying "do YOU want a prude in your bed? Because I don't".... but it's more than that.
What is the purpose of sex in it's basic form? Reproduction and/or pleasure, right? You throw off your clothes, you get naked, fireworks go off (you hope) and you're done. You could walk away from that situation and never have to see that person again.
So why do we care so much? Why do we degrade people for doing something that basic forms of life can engage in without a second thought? What goes on in the bedroom is suppose to be private and yet it's broadcast, advertised, and discussed as if it were the daily news. Which we all know is currently taking place...
So what?? You got naked with someone. Great ...
...but were you truly naked? Did you bare it all, heart and soul? Did they caress the curves of your soul, embrace your demons, and kiss away your fears? Did they experience what makes you feel alive and what makes you want to die?
Because THAT's what matters. That's where the true beauty lies. We're always talking about sex but never about making love. And, to me, making love can happen anywhere.
It's walking down the street, holding hands.
It's helping someone into their coat.
It's consoling the pains of someone's heart.
It's holding someone in your arms.
It's watching someones back while they fight away their demons.
THAT's what important. That's what we should talk about.
Who do you live for?
Who would you die for?
Who knows why you're hurting and how to make it better?
... who makes you feel alive?
Who breathes life into your soul?
Let's talk about making love. Lay down our weapons and quit judging people for things that don't really matter. Those eCards are stupid anyways....
Stay beautiful people. Stay strong. Spread your love far and wide, in any way you choose.