Saturday, September 27, 2014

Let's start a GoFundMe for Justin Bieber so he can finally afford a pair of glasses and stop squinting all the time. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Given that the stuff I learned in biology 101 is stuff commonly argued amongst politicians and influential leaders alike really proves we need people educated in more than just law to run our country. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Two very popular songs that claim to be about empowering women are really just about accepting your body if men accept it too. 

"He don't want none if you ain't got buns, hun."

"Guys want more booty to hold at night."

I call your bluff ladies. Also, referring to other women as skinny bitches is in no way uplifting or supportive of other women. We shouldn't have to tear people down to build other people up. Back to the drawing board ... 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Whatever you do, DON'T watch the new Jlo music video. 

"Show us on the doll where she touched you." 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Seeking out relationship advice from a Facebook page is like relying on a fortune cookie for important future business decisions. 

When did problem solving skills turn into throwing yourself a pity party? 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why is it our government has a hard time investing in it's people? Especially when it makes more sense. 

Want to adopt? That's going to cost you thousand of dollars. We'd rather shuttle those kids through the system and pay more in the long run. Not to mention the impact that a lack of stability will have on those children's mental health. 

Want to go to college? That's going to mean thousands of dollars of debt that you're going to have to pay back, regardless of if you find a job or not. We prefer a stupid, uneducated population that makes poor decisions. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

So apparently you must believe in God to join a section of the military, a God that technically says don't kill people. Unless we are talking about the Old Testament version of God, who may say don't kill but also justifies himself in killing the poor man who steadied the arc, saying the word of God was already steady enough..... No wonder people are confused.

 And we are going OVERSEAS to fight religious zealots? Can't really fight religious fanatics when we tolerate religious fundamentalists at home.

Monday, September 8, 2014

What would young adult fiction be without a pathetic plot line driven by irrational teen romance? 

Nonexistent. That's what it would be. 

I'm tired of all these weak, insecure female protagonists in need of saving by some big man meat. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

Can flashcrackfriday be a thing? 

OMG, like hashtag. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

How did people deal with their issues before it was possible to throw a tantrum on Facebook? 

What came first, Facebook or the issues?