Saturday, July 11, 2015

It's like Apple is bent on reminding me of the Kesha fad of 2008. And that one Taylor Swift song I bought by mistake. 

Hashtag how do I delete this shit while keeping my other, less soul crushing songs... 

Seriously have they not considered there's some shit in the cloud that should stay there? You can't put a silver lining on fucking Flo-Rida. 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The thing about courage is it comes in a limitless supply. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Every conversation on Facebook ever

Bird migration patterns:
"Whaaa whaaa wha wha." 
"Birds whaa whaa." 
"Whaa whaa?"
"Whaa whaaa racist durr durr!" 
"Durr durr birds durr durr."
"Liberals dur dur dur."
"Dur white chicks durr durrrr!"
"Patriots durr durr dur."
"Fucking liberals dur!"
"Durr durr guuuuuns dur."

"..... Birds?" 

Friday, May 1, 2015

Just wrote up a report on a study regarding prejudice and biases for my psychology class. This was assigned months ago (proof of my invincible powers of procrastination), but proved to be almost prophetic with what is going on in the United States at the moment. 

It examined the relationship between implicit racial attitudes and explicit racial attitudes. Implicit attitudes are private, unspoken, and unconscious. Explicit attitudes are outward, public behaviors. 

Most everyone would say they are not racist. Why would they? It's a dirty word that stirs up horrible images of hate from what feels like eons ago. However, due to several different reasons explored in this study, racism still exists on an implicit level. 

People are groomed to behave in a certain way according to what is publicly acceptable. And in most places, racism is not publicly acceptable. However, due to the way people are portrayed in culture, media, seemingly harmful jokes, and so on, we are groomed on an unconscious level to feel a certain way as well. 

It sounds like something out of a Tom Cruise movie, doesn't it? Holding people accountable for unconscious actions? But I think it's important to not turn a blind eye to the way people are repeatedly behaving. I'll admit, I didn't know exactly how to feel about these incidents. Trying to remain untouched by any sort of media bias proves difficult when that can be our only source of research. But this study really helped show what can lurk beneath our exterior. 

This is not meant to point a dirty, racist finger at everyone in society. Even in this study, it pointed out that most of these actions are subconscious and unintentional. But they also stated that knowledge of the existence of our implicit racial attitudes is the first step to changing them. The more you know. 

The study was "On the Nature of Prejudice: Automatic and Controlled Processes" by John F. Dovido, Kerry Kawakami, Craig Johnson, Brenda Johnson, and Adaiah Howard. I'll admit, it's a bitch to read but it proved very resourceful. Once I'm done reading and reporting on yet another psychology study (ugh... it's due tonight) I'll see if I can find the pdf and link it so those who are interested have ease of access. 


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

People must have a lot of time on their hands with how much they worry about other people's lives. If I'm not busy worrying about my own life, then I'm either sleeping or having a glass of boxed wine while the baby takes a nap. 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Today while watching The Emperors New Groove with my daughter something Esmé said really stood out to me. 

Esmé: "Why is it my fault you don't have ... What was it again?" 
Peasant: "ummm... Food." 
Esmé: "Ha! You should have thought about that before you became peasants." 

Where have I heard this before?  
The other day I heard someone argue "going to college turns you into a democrat!" 

Now I don't like to expressly talk negatively about one party or another but if you invite me in I'm going to walk around your house. 

By saying college makes you a democrat, you are saying that HIGHER EDUCATION makes you a democrat. You know, that KNOWLEDGE stuff and exposure to other cultures and types of people. 

So it is your ignorance and lack of knowledge that makes you a Republican? No? Then maybe I'd reword your argument. 

My political science professor once used this to explain the liberal bias in the media. To become a journalist you have to go to college, and statistically those who go to college are democrat. Don't like the liberal bias? Quit putting faith in your google education and go get some knowledge. Just try to resist those nasty liberals that try to convert you while you're in college with things like logic, facts, and exposure to the world. 

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

As social media becomes more popular, social interaction becomes less popular. 

Correlation or causation? 

Like, I'm totally introverted man. I must be progressive. Plus trying to maintain my 1.2K followers on Instagram is a full time job. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

What can I choose to discriminate against that won't make me feel like a shitty person but also give me lots of money? 

"No ghosts allowed."
"No contacts-wearers allowed." 
"No left-handed people named Leopoldo allowed."
"No one who owns a liger allowed."
"No dirty pirates allowed." 

Poor me. I'm being discriminated against for no one listening to my beliefs. Now someone go start a GoFund me. Mama needs to pay off her student loans. Sounds like if I'm REALLY hateful it's possible I could make enough to buy an island. 

Saturday, April 4, 2015

"A society that allows hatred under freedom will never succeed. You can't have both."

-cool ass chick on Facebook 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Me: "Everything's on fire, half the city has no power, the phone network isn't working, and the Internet is down. It's like it's the second coming." 
My boyfriend: "Yeah ... Because the first thing Jesus is going to do when he gets here is mess with the Wi-Fi." 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I wish there was a way to get the idea across that how a mother cares for her child is not your concern and there are many different ways to accomplish the same outcome. 

But let's try this ... Did you carry this child inside of you for nine months and then push her out of your vagina? Because if so I have some medical bills you could be paying. Oh no?? Okay. Then maybe you don't know her better than I do. 

Stop shaming mothers for doing their best. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

The fact that Dolce and Gabbana are gay have nothing to do with their rude comments. You can't disguise hatred by dressing it up in a fancy suit and smart dress shoes. 

Cannnnnn you feeeeeel the loooove toonightttt *whispers softly* toonight

Sunday, March 15, 2015

We live in a world where it seems like those who consistently do well don't get as much deserved attention over those who surprise you by coming out of the shadows to do well. 

Both are equally as important and neither deserve being taken advantage of.

In other words, always greet your janitor kindly whether your floors have been vacuumed or not and give Leo a damn Oscar. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

You can't say "no offense but ..." and then say something offensive and expect people to be cool with that. It's not a get out of jail free card for being an ass.

You should be able to state your opinion without being offensive or adding a disclaimer to your statement .. Granted a disclaimer that doesn't actually work. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

It's amazing just how far some people will stretch to justify their beliefs in a way that doesn't make them sound hateful.

I am not making this up when I heard this from an old roommates friend the other day .. 

"I don't understand why they had to put a gay guy in Frozen. Like, my life is already dramatic enough. I don't need political drama in my movies!" 

If that were in the least bit true then there's more movies than just Frozen that you would assume to be inapplicable to your lifestyle. Your Marvel superhero movies are full of political drama. You're just mad people have started embracing all of humanity. 

In other news... Who was the gay guy in Frozen? If she's talking about the shop keeper with the accent fitting for the setting of the movie then oh honey ... You need to educate yourself on different cultures because that's more than just homophobia ... That's assuming everyone drives a mini-van and uses the word "like" as a modifier. Ego-centric much?

Friday, March 6, 2015

War on religion or war on your religion? 

Idaho, I'm ashamed. How dare you. You don't get to decide which gods are "false" no more than you get to decide who deserves civil rights. 

Remember the faces of those three politicians, those oh-so-noble warriors of Christianity who couldn't even be bothered to listen to a Hindu prayer. 

They are NOT the kind of people you want making decisions for a large group of diverse people. Because believe it or not Idaho IS diverse and many of us are not happy with how we are being represented. You are a joke. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The fact that mankind once thought that the universe revolved around Earth goes to show just how blind we can be to the truth due to self centered arrogance. 

Kill the heretics and lock them away. 

Friday, February 27, 2015

My opinions on most things are almost predictable. 

Compromise. Common ground. Grey area (minus the 50 shades) 

The more I think about it, the more I can't decide if the problem lies with me or the rest of the world. 

Extremism is where diversity go to die. 

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Do I think vaccines are necessary and lifesaving? 


Do I wish there was an alternative that offered each and every mother a 100% safety guarantee and peace of mind? 

Also yes 

However, such an alternative will never exist if we continue bickering with each other like children at the playground. 

Have you noticed it's become a trend to call anyone who opposes your opinion a "sheep"? Right idea, wrong direction. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

I overheard a women say that she was vaccinating her babies, not for fear of disease, but for fear of what people would do to her family if she didn't. 

Is that what we've come to? 

If you disagree with someone, you stop having play dates at their house. You don't back them into a corner waving a gun. There's enough of that already. 

"The only thing we have to fear is fear itself."