Thursday, October 31, 2013

Abecedarius: Happy Halloween

Given my adamant love for Edgar Allen Poe, it was only a matter of time before my writing took a turn for the dark side. Also, the more I learn about writing, the more I learn that I must learn more about writing (make sense?). I look back and find my poetry so elementary and underdeveloped. Plus it doesn't help that every writing teacher teaches you something that contradicts someone else.

"No end rhymes"
"Rhyming creates flow and affects your readers body"
"Don't write like Poe, Frost, or Shakespeare"
"If only we could mimic those before our time, alas!"
"Do not use expected word patterns"

... so basically I've decided I'm going to just attempt to make the teacher happy while letting my writing grow however it wishes, like the uncontrollable child of a worn-out parent ("and absolutely no cheesy metaphors!")

Abandon your pursuit of the treasure chest of flesh
Beating the time to songs of drunken conquests
Crooning like a siren, "Come closer sweet sailor!
Dash your ship upon the rocks and spend
Eternities with me in a watery grave."
Forgetting you were once sailing for worlds end
Grateful to the ghosts of lovers long dead
Heed their warning and sail on instead
Ignore the beating songs within the treasure chest of flesh
Jutting rocks will taunt you no more
Kill yourself, instead, of your own accord
Lulled to sleep by the sweet song of
Mermaids, who know of the treasure you seek
Nauseating sea sickness, the flutter of your stomach
Over the side of your boat, vomit into the sea and
Pass by unharmed, sailing evermore
Quivering from the brief touch of fortune
Rekindled flame quickly put out again
Saved by your crew, for if you are seen beware
There be dragons! Or live and die by fire
Under the spell of the beating treasure chest
Vile as the song of sirens and mermaids
Who are never really what they say
X marks the spot, but no not that way
Yearning for that which can never be found
Zealous, endless searching for the treasure in your chest

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Absolute Power and Ultimatums: The Fight Between Sheep and Sheepdogs

If you happen to have a Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, friends, or live somewhere that's not under a rock you probably have some idea of what's been going on in the White House. I'm not going to claim to be a factual giant in the matter because, despite having access to all the aforementioned media networks, it's not a political discussion I care to involve myself in anymore.

.... That's not why we have gathered here today.

If the article presents itself to me I'll take the time, otherwise it's not something I care to seek out for myself. I know, I know .... once upon a time I did say it was our duty as Americans to research your political opinions. We all falter, right? Nobody's perfect? Besides .. it gives me vivid, horrible flashbacks of high school.

You're walking down the hallway and come across a couple fighting. Due to your unfortunate place in time, you discover that the girlfriend is now withholding sex from her boyfriend until he does what she wants. Both are yelling at each other, refusing to back down or compromise.

The ULTIMATE Ultimatum

Republicans are withholding their sexual favors from the government until their boyfriends decide to give them what they want. So .... am I missing something here? When did politics become ultimatums, name calling, and manipulative games fit for high school girls?

If our founding fathers can lock themselves up in a room in Philadelphia, despite the heat and humidity, refusing to come out until something is agreed upon, I think we can resort to less drastic measures than "shutting down the government" for working out our problems. Or did compromise go out of fashion around the same time as powdered wigs, buckled shoes, and wooden teeth?

The founding fathers were, and are still today, our leaders. Congress, however? That's your boss. A leader says, "come.... follow me." A boss says, "yeah would you take care of that for me? While I dink around on the computer?" We are not electing leaders. We are paying our time and money to our boss. I'm sorry for creating that mental image of your actual boss just now but ... do you see what I mean? Look at the Democrats, for example. I don't care HOW brilliant your plan is, if you're not willing to be apart of it yourself, that raises A LOT of questions.....

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." I'm almost for certain when John Dalberg-Acton said this, he was picturing the corrupt politics of today. Maybe that's an exaggeration ... But when you are sitting pretty in the White House, lobbying for what's going to put money in your pockets and ignoring the voices of your people ... I can't say you're the picture of justice. These men may have been the bright, political minds of yesterday, but they are the corrupt, overpaid, and overindulged minds of today. Why? And more importantly, HOW?


When the sheepdogs are away, the sheep will play.


We are the sheepdogs. The politicians are the sheep. This is a government for the PEOPLE, for hells sake. So why are the people getting screwed over while the politicians get nearly everything they want by throwing a tantrum? Well, if the sheepdogs are too busy fighting and bickering among themselves, paying the sheep no mind, they're going to get away with some things.

We have to pay more attention. We have to herd our sheep. Elect leaders based upon what they stand for, not how long they've held their position. Elect leaders for their hard work and good actions, not their pretty words and speeches. Someone probably writes that shit for them. Start acting. Raise your voice. There's more of us than there is of them. But before we hate on them TOO much, there is something I would like to commend them on ...

.... giving us a common enemy.

If there's ONE thing Republicans and Democrats can agree on, it's the corruption of Congress. It's term limits. It's laws regulating congress on what they can and cannot do. It's getting rid of them entirely. Replacing them one by one. They can't keep us oblivious and people are noticing. Boy, are people noticing.

The world is noticing. It's in comics. It's in books. It's in the movies. If you replaced Roxxon for BP and took out the exploding martial artists in Iron Man 3, it would mirror some of the actions taken by politics today. We are no longer remaining quiet about our discontent and voices are being raised. Voices are being heard.

Never underestimate the power of the people. Look at the Bus Boycott of 1955 and the effect it had on the civil rights movement of the time. We can change major things if we try hard enough. If we work together.

Don't for a second forget who you're fighting. Herd those damn sheep. Fire your boss. Fight.

"Be on your guard against false prophets; they come to you looking like sheep on the outside but on the inside they are really like wild wolves." Matthew 7:15 GNT