Thursday, July 31, 2014

"Why the short blog posts, Shalese? They use to be so long!" 

Well, there were the Greeks and then there were the Trojans... As in, just like the last Trojan horse I was tricked into trusting such a contraption that ended up sending enemy soldiers into my home base.

My boyfriend and I are expecting a little baby girl in September. 

So honestly, much of my free time is spent fighting off bitter traditionalists who feel like my bare ring finger has something to do with my ability to raise a child with a man I am committed to in all sense of the word without ever requiring a visit to this Jared guy everyone keeps talking about.

Not like I need a fancy paper signed by some God and government (both of which I have a hard time believing in at times because no one knows what it is they actually do anymore) to show that I am capable of raising a child. No more than an individual with an oriental last name can prove he's good at math. 

"I'm almost convinced, with how hard you're staring, that an engagement ring is actually just going to appear on my finger! After you're done, you should try my ears. I prefer studs. And remember, I don't like diamonds unless they're black."

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