Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Story For You


"I'm sorry but I can no longer make hats. My madness does not exist in making hats. I want to draw," Marc told his brother.

"I do believe you are making a mistake," replied the Mat Hatter. "We cannot exist outside of Wonderland. We are too mad. People won't understand."

Marc shrugged. "I do not care if people understand. There's nothing for me here in Wonderland. I want to draw. Even more, I want to draw on the canvas of skin."

The Mad Hatter jumped at this, almost knocking his hat right off his head. "Skin.... as a canvas?? I have never heard of such a thing. Still... it could work. You are mad after all."

Marc chuckled, fiddling with the straps on his leather jacket. "You've got that right. But you know something.... There's other people out there who are mad. It sits in wait underneath their skin, leaving them feeling misunderstood because nobody can see it. Art upon their skin can relieve their pressure. It can show the world their madness. I'm certain of this brother, and I'm leaving whether you like it or not."

The Mat Hatter stood their for a moment, processing this new thought. He was unaware of the twitch in his right eyebrow that often happened when he was thinking too hard. He shifted his weight back and forth, thinking and thinking. As if the thought was moving through his body, his shoulders moved with the fluidity of a wave. His hands twirled around like burlesque dancers and his knees suddenly gave a jump. "By Joe, I've got it. You are mad. I am mad. The world is mad. Since you are leaving with or without my blessing, I choose to give you my blessing. Carry our name into the world Marc. It's a shame you choose to leave now, however, for I feel this new girl Alice is going to bring about change. Change worthy of songs and books. But fare thee well. I bid you ado."

And with that he rode off into the distance. It's a pity the world knew not of the Mad Hatter's brother. He went about the world prescribing people's madness and generally making bad ass tattoos.

Shalese: an adrenaline junkie addicted to the thrill of living instead of just existing

 Do you think I've gone round the bend?"

"I'm afraid so. You're mad, bonkers, completely off your head. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are.” 

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