Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Satirical Shalese

When watching the news who here prefers The Daily Show over Fox News? The Colbert Report over CNN? Would you rather read The Onion over The Times? For me, I'd say yes, yes, and yes.

Blessed, blessed satire.

Dictionary defines satire as the use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or deriding vice or folly. It allows people to look at a situation from a humorous, sarcastic perspective. Often times, when someone is stuck within the walls of their opinions, it takes satire to make them look with new eyes. Satire, to me, is the beautiful awe-inspiring motion to incite action within people that can't be achieved otherwise. It allows them to laugh and then say, "Oh yeah. I do do that."

I'm sure many of us have seen A Knight's Tale. My FAVORITE character is the movie is the poet, Geoffrey. Whenever he speaks, my soul sings. He has the ability to write as well as the ability to speak and is extremely quick witted. The movie is loosely based on the composition of stories written by Geoffrey Chaucer called the Canterbury Tales. Using sarcasm and satire, Chaucer manages to poke fun at English Society, focusing on the Church. I remember the day in senior english class when a professor specializing in The Canterbury Tales came to speak to us. I was fully enamored and fell in love with the use of satire.

I'm sure many of you have also come across the movie and/or book Gulliver's Travels, written by Jonathon Swift. Gulliver's Travels examines many different negative themes in society at the time and can still be applied today. When he goes to Lilliput, he meets a small group of people who fight over which side to break their morning eggs. The two political parties are based upon the height of their heels. Elections are based upon show and not fact or reason. Starting to sound familiar? By using comparison, he makes it easy for people to make the connection into their own lives. His second great works is A Modest Proposal. Most certainly one of my favorite articles EVER. Because there are so many poor, starving people, why not just....... eat the babies. Surely it's foolproof! The people have a source of income and food and it prevents the population from growing out of control. Just be sure to cook them right because you can't eat a baby when it's...

Starting to feel disgusted? Well, that's the point. It pointed out the nobility's heartless attitudes towards the poor. From the standpoint of A Modest Proposal it seems as if, "Hey we already despise the poor. Why not take rude and heartless to a whole new level by buying their children for Sunday dinner." Someone with such a poor attitude before may not feel the same way after taking a look at their own attitude. It is a literary slap to the face. A much needed awakening.

Satire can also be seen today. Such as in the Colbert Report and The Daily Show. Thankfully, it is alive and well. I wish I could fully express how much I love and adore such methods. It sends shivers down my spine and warms my spirit. I hope to one day achieve the same levels of talent as the greats that have come before me. This love, this passion, is the kindling to my fire. My opinions and ideas usually jump off a springboard of satire. I am often told of my very strong use of voice in my writing and I must give thanks to such a high compliment. For those of you who know me only from behind the screen, I have a very dry quick wit that can just as much amuse as it can sting. My friend once said, "I have never heard someone so eloquently express their anger as Shalese." So, whenever I sound sarcastic and dry, it is only in hopes of approaching a sensitive topic in a way that won't turn people away. I want people to look first and process what I have to say. With all the facts, opinions, and angry sayers of nay, it's a refreshing look at what you have to hear about all the time. Or so I hope.

Love you guys.

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