Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Power Within

Needless to say, sometimes I get a little overwhelmed. I look at the world and find so much beauty that I don't know what to do with it. As an Aquarius, (yes I am a crazy astrology nut) it's as much a blessing as a curse. This overwhelming love for humanity overshadows my love for individual people. There is so much fire when I love someone but I have the hardest time expressing it. Also a sign of an Aquarius. I think my family and a few choice best friends recognize how I communicate love and most other people don't understand. It's almost as if, as strongly as I can feel it, I assume people can see it. The way it burns me it must show upon my face. Alas, it does not. I often come off as cold and aloof. "That Shalese girl sure is funny but she has as much emotion as a Barbie."

If you are having a hard time connecting or understanding someone, perhaps it's because they speak in a different language.... Which seems like a no-brainer unless you look at love as a type of language. We all communicate and express ourselves differently. It is no different for love. When approaching someone with a closed off mind, you will never pick up on what they are trying to say. You may see some emotions or actions that have caused you to pass quick judgement that will prevent you from getting to know who the person truly is. I can't express enough my beliefs in the betterment of humanity through an open mind. It's human instinct to read a person's first impressions. We take a brief sketch of the person before us, diagnosing whether we feel they will hurt or harm us. Bring us up or make us fall. I'm not asking you to embrace the fellow in front of you at the checkout line with multiple tattoos who smells like weed. However, to stand there and make rude comments about such an individual is unnecessary. Believe me or not, this happened to me last week as I watched a man and his wife comment on a Hispanic family taking too long in the checkout line. Why must we be rude and hurtful? Do we actually know what's going on behind the walled-up people we see in public? Are we understanding what they are communicating? Please be more open-minded and gentle towards people. It's hard for everyone. There's no need to make it harder.

And, YET AGAIN, I have managed to stray away from my original intent. I kinda like that about free-writing. I always end up somewhere I didn't expect. It's a good journey to take in discovering more about myself. Anyways, I wanted to share with you the prose I wrote around the time when the earthquake happened in Haiti. Kinda give you a bigger picture in my undying love for humanity. Yes.... I'm a hippie. Or some may say. I find it a waste of time to go around bitter and unhappy. Until you make a bad comment about my dog or threaten my family, I will probably like you from the start. Cheers my loves.

Will it sound silly if I say it's beautiful?

If I cry as I hold my pencil hoping I can find the words to express my passion?
If I labor trying to explain to you
The human experience is the ultimate experience

Will it sound silly if I say it's beautiful?

Can I major in life?
We are all connected by the things that make us unique
Our memories. Our hopes. Our dreams
Our anguish. Our lies. Our sorrow

Will it sound silly if I say it's beautiful?

The human element courses through our very souls
Enriching the mind. Fueling the passion
We often stand so far apart
Forgetting what binds us

But when we are called upon
We can join together
Combining our elements for a common purpose
With our efforts all in one, we can accomplish anything

Will it sound silly if I say it's beautiful

No earthquake, no tsunami, no hurricane
Can withstand the power of our joined hands
We love, we fight, we cry, we laugh

We cherish
We live

We live the human experience
Embracing the journey
It is hard to see the bad when there is

so much good
So much love

Unite. Fight. Appreciate what is right
Not who or whom or where or when

What is right?

We stand on the side of love
Blessed by the life that is all around
FIGHT, I say, for your right to live
Live for your right to fight for what you love

Will it sound silly if I say it's beautiful?

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