Monday, October 8, 2012

Dear Diary

At the persistent request of others, I have decided to take a more personal approach towards my blog. Even if it's just a couple sentences, I plan on writing everyday. Keep in mind.. when I use the word PLAN... it's a loose commitment. What with the trying times of a college student with a full time job I'm sure there will be extenuating circumstances preventing me from writing some days. We'll give it a go. Try it out for a week or so. If we don't like it I'll revert back to the once or twice a month formula. A daily free write is also a good "flex" of that writing muscle. Granted, a free write is also very raw. Writing in it's infancy is often not one of brilliance or structure. However, it can create something uniquely beautiful. When I write, I like to write in my head. A seed is planted into my mind that grows and grows until I can bear it no more and give it life upon paper. As to what will happen when I take my daily thoughts and opinions and, without thought, throw them at you on a daily basis, is unknown. It may even be scary.

To be honest... I'm a bit nervous. What will happen when you see who it is that sits behind this computer I do not know. My thoughts may not be as put together or uniform. You may find that often times I'm unsure of where I stand or what I believe in. Sometimes I lose sight of who it is I am and have to find her again. This confident writer you often see here, while still a very strong part of me, is not the whole part. Your opinions of me will probably sway back and forth. My intention is to create a more personal experience. What goes into making me who I am? Where do I get my opinions from? Let's find that out together.

Oh, and.. heads up. I've been reading classic literature lately and I find that it often seeps into my writing. Classic literature turns me into the love child of Yoda and a pretentious British old man. My sentence structure changes and my vocabulary takes a turn for the.. Better? Worse? Who knows...

Cheers my friends.

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